From 1st March I will be taking a massive leap forward. I will be leaving Construction behind to work full time as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind Coach, Peak Performance Coach and Trainer.
I currently work with many athletes with regards to competition preparation, many students with regards to study and exam preparation, I have helped many addicts, from gambling, alcohol and drug abuse. I will be running several workshops in the near future and am presently preparing a Pain Clinic Workshop.
The main issues important to me are Mental Health Issues which affect adults and children alike. Mental Health is a massive issue that has been suppressed over many years. Many believe there is a stigma of having mental health issues. Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Panic, Fears and Phobias are part of everyday life. We are all affected by these issues. If not directly then certainly indirectly.
These issues are real, they wont go away if they are not addressed, and I hope to play a small part in my local community and now beyond. I already have clients from all over Northern Ireland, from Southern Ireland and a few who have come over from the Mainland.
I feel now is time to be here, to be available full time, not just on a part time evening bases. I will be able to do day time appointments, continue 1 to 1 coaching as well as offering workshops and assistance to any who are ready for change in their lives.
Contact me on 07890400916 to book your appointment or contact me privately on this website.